cve,link,title,description,vendor,products,score,severity,epss,cisa,cisa_published,article,ransomware,exploited,poc,trended,trended_no_1,published,trended_score CVE-2022-22735,,Simple Quotation <= 1.3.2 - Subscriber+ SQL injection,"The Simple Quotation WordPress plugin through 1.3.2 does not have authorisation (and CSRF) checks in various of its AJAX actions and is lacking escaping of user data when using it in SQL statements, allowing any authenticated users, such as subscriber to perform SQL injection attacks",Wordpress,Simple Quotation,8.8,HIGH,0.0011399999493733048,false,,false,false,false,,false,false,2022-03-14T14:41:54.000Z,0 CVE-2022-22734,,Simple Quotation <= 1.3.2 - Quote Creation/Edition via CSRF to Stored Cross-Site Scripting,"The Simple Quotation WordPress plugin through 1.3.2 does not have CSRF check when creating or editing a quote and does not sanitise and escape Quotes. As a result, attacker could make a logged in admin create or edit arbitrary quote, and put Cross-Site Scripting payloads in them",Wordpress,Simple Quotation,6.1,MEDIUM,0.0007999999797903001,false,,false,false,false,,false,false,2022-03-14T14:41:53.000Z,0